Buy a roll

This article has been prepared and edited by the content production unit of Ziggurat Industrial Group, the largest specialized reference for buying rollers in Iran. In the vibrant world of industry, rollers play a significant role in smoothing the production process and moving goods. From massive steel mills to packaging lines in food factories, they all depend on the uninterrupted performance of these cylindrical parts. Buying a suitable, professional and quality roller is a guarantee to increase productivity, reduce costs and save time.

Our goal in this comprehensive article is to accompany you dear active in the industry and dear producers in the process of buying a roller. By carefully reading this guide, while getting to know the types of rollers and their uses, we will check the key factors when buying. We will also provide important tips regarding the maintenance and repair of rollers to significantly increase their lifespan.

Buying a roller: types of rollers according to application

The first step in buying a roller is to know its types based on application. Each type of roller is designed and manufactured for specific working conditions. Choosing the wrong type of roller can lead to reduced efficiency, early depreciation and additional costs.

• Conveyor roller

This type of roller is the most widely used type in various industries. Conveyor rollers are responsible for the safe and smooth transportation of all kinds of goods on the conveyor belt. These rollers are made of steel, steel or plastic and are available in various sizes and carrying capacities.

• Roller conveyor

Conveyor roller is a type of conveyor roller that is used to move heavy objects in the production lines of factories. These rollers have high strength and are resistant to heavy loads.

• Straight roller

As the name suggests, the alignment roller is used to keep the alignment and direction of the load on the conveyor belt. These rollers are designed in spiral form and prevent the load from shifting while moving on the belt.

• Conical roller

Conical rollers are used to transfer the load from one conveyor belt to another conveyor belt with a difference in height. The special design of these rollers allows the load to be transferred safely and without damage to the surface of another conveyor belt.

• Reverse roller

As you might guess, the reverse roller facilitates the reverse direction of movement of the load on the conveyor belt. These rollers are installed at a certain angle to the surface of the conveyor and cause the load to move against the direction.

These are only a part of the widely used types of rollers in different industries. In the continuation of this comprehensive guide for buying a roller, we will examine other types of rollers such as Goodalber roller, spring roller, steel roller and linear roller.

Bulldozer roller
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• Roller excavator

Gudalbar roller is used for transporting and moving pipes and round sections on a conveyor belt. The design of these rollers is such that it prevents the pipes from rolling and deviating during movement.

• Spring roller

Spring rollers are used to absorb shocks caused by sudden loading on the conveyor belt. These rollers are equipped with a spring system and prevent damage to the goods and other components of the conveyor belt.

• Steel roller

Steel rollers are used in wet, acidic or corrosive chemical environments. The steel material of these rollers is resistant to rust and corrosion and gives them a longer lifespan.

• Linear roller

Linear rollers are used for the smooth and linear movement of objects on the work table or linear rails. These rollers have high strength and are used in various industries such as machine building, automation and robotics.

Buying a roll: key factors when buying

After learning about the types of rollers, it is time to check the key factors when buying a roller. By considering these factors, you can make a smart and affordable purchase.

• Carrying capacity

The first and most important factor in buying a roller is its carrying capacity. The maximum weight that the roller can bear is called the carrying capacity. Choosing a roller with a carrying capacity lower than the weight of the desired load will lead to premature failure of the roller and incur additional costs.

• Roller type and material

As mentioned in the previous section, rollers are made of different materials such as steel, steel or plastic. It is important to choose the right type of roller according to the working environment and the type of load. For example, for wet environments or with corrosive chemicals, steel rollers are an ideal choice.

• Roller diameter and length

The diameter and length of the roller is determined according to the type of application and the dimensions of the load. For heavy and bulky goods, rollers with a larger diameter and length are needed.

• Conveyor speed

The speed of the conveyor belt is another important factor in buying a roller. Rollers are designed and manufactured for different speeds. Choosing a roller with an inappropriate speed can lead to load slippage, premature wear of the roller, and disruption of the smooth operation of the conveyor belt.

• Sealing and dust collector

In some work environments, such as food factories or pharmaceutical factories, the presence of dust or moisture can cause problems for the performance of the rollers. In such a situation, it is necessary to use sealing and dusting rollers.

The price of a metal roller
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These factors are only part of the important things in buying a roller. In the continuation of this comprehensive guide, we will examine other key points such as brand and warranty roll and after-sales service.

• Rollic brand and warranty

Choosing a reliable and well-known brand in the field of roller production is a guarantee of product quality and durability. Reputable brands use high-quality and standard materials in the manufacture of rollers and offer their products with a valid guarantee. The warranty roll indicates the manufacturer’s confidence in the quality of the product and eases the buyer’s mind about possible failures.

• after sales service

Proper after-sales service is one of the important factors that should be considered when buying a roller. Provision of spare parts, periodic repair and maintenance of rollers are among the services provided by reputable companies. Easy access to after-sales service reduces the cost of maintaining the rolls in the long run.

Important points in the maintenance and repair of rollers

The lifespan and optimal performance of the rollers require the observance of basic points in their maintenance and repair. By following these tips, you can avoid sudden breakdowns and stopping the production line.

Periodic lubrication: regular lubrication of roller bearings prevents their friction and wear and increases their lifespan. The type of suitable lubricant is determined by the manufacturing company according to the type of roller and working conditions.
Periodic inspection: Periodic inspection of the rollers in terms of cracks, corrosion or any possible damage is essential. If you see any problem, repair or replace the roller.
Adjusting the belt tension: The proper tension of the conveyor belt is very important. Too loose a belt can cause the load to slip on the rollers. On the other hand, excessive tension of the belt also increases the load on the bearings and premature wear of the rollers.
Compliance with the maximum load capacity: As mentioned earlier, each roller has a specific load capacity. Rollers should never be used to carry more than the allowed capacity. Observing this point increases the life of the rollers significantly.

By following these simple maintenance and repair tips, you can bring smooth operation and longer life to your rollers. In the next section, we will deal with frequently asked questions about the purchase of a roller.

Frequently asked questions about buying a roller

In this section, we will answer some frequently asked questions about buying a roller. By reading these questions and answers, your possible doubts in the purchase process will be resolved.

1. Where can I buy a roller?

Answer: Many reputable companies operate in the field of roller production and supply throughout the country. Ziggurat Industrial Group, as one of the specialized authorities in this field, offers a wide range of rollers with high quality and reliable brands to its valued customers. You can contact the technical experts of Ziggurat Industrial Group for advice and to buy a roll.

Metal conveyor
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2. What information is needed to buy a roll?

Answer: To buy a suitable roller, you need basic information about the type of application, carrying capacity, material and dimensions of the desired roller. It is also important to know the speed of the conveyor belt and the conditions of the working environment (wet, dry, acidic, etc.) in choosing the right roller.

3. How much is the price of the roll?

Answer: The price of the roller varies according to the type, material, dimensions, carrying capacity and manufacturer’s brand. Ziggurat Industrial Group always tries to provide customers with quality rolls at the most appropriate price by eliminating middlemen. Contact the sales experts of Ziggurat Industrial Group to inquire about the exact price of the roller you want.

4. Do the rollers have a warranty?

Answer: Yes. The rollers supplied by Ziggurat Industrial Group have a valid warranty from prominent domestic and foreign brands. The warranty period varies according to the type and brand of the roller.

5. How is the after-sales service of the rolls?

Answer: Ziggurat Industrial Group, having a wide network of after-sales services throughout the country, in addition to supplying high-quality rollers, offers valuable services in the field of repair, maintenance and supply of spare parts for rollers to our valued customers.

6. Is it possible to consult with technical experts before buying?

Answer: Definitely. Ziggurat Industrial Group, with the benefit of an experienced team of technical experts in the field of rolling stock, is always ready to provide expert advice and guidance to you dear ones in the process of buying rolling stock. You can contact our experts through the communication channels available on the Ziggurat Industrial Group website.


As you read in this comprehensive article from Ziggurat Industrial Group, buying a suitable roller requires knowing the types of rollers, paying attention to key factors such as load capacity, type and material, diameter and length, conveyor speed and after-sales service.

Ziggurat Industrial Group, as the largest specialist authority for buying rollers in Iran, having a variety of rollers with reliable domestic and foreign brands, is ready to provide expert advice and sell rollers at the most suitable price to you dear active in the industry and dear producers.

We hope that the information presented in this guide was useful for you. Ziggurat Industrial Group sincerely thanks you for your cooperation until the end of this article.

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