Roll price

قیمت رولیک

This article has been prepared and compiled by the content production unit of Ziggurat Industrial Group, the largest specialized authority of Rolik in Iran.

In the bustling world of industry, there are various parts and components that may not be heard of, but they play an important role in moving the wheels of various industries. Roller is one of these parts that is used in various industries such as transportation, production and packaging.

The price of the roller varies according to its type, material, dimensions and carrying capacity. In this article, we are going to examine the types of rollers and discuss the factors affecting the price of rollers to be a comprehensive guide for buyers of this practical product.

Types of rollers

Rolls are classified based on different criteria. In the following, we will introduce the main types of rollers:

Roll according to gender:

Metal roller: This type of roller has high strength and durability and is suitable for bearing heavy loads. Metal rollers are usually made of steel.
Plastic roller: Plastic rollers are lighter and resistant to corrosion. This type of roller is used for lighter uses and wet environments.
Combined roller: in some cases, a combination of metal and plastic is used in making the roller. This type of roller has relatively good strength and appropriate weight.

Roller according to the type of bearing:

Roller bearing roller: This type of roller is suitable for bearing radial loads.
Ball roller: In addition to radial loads, ball rollers can also withstand axial loads.

Roller according to application:

Conveyor roller: This type of roller is used in industrial conveyors to transport all kinds of goods.
Conveyor roller: Conveyor rollers are used to transfer and move objects and packages in production lines.
Guide roller: Guide rollers are used to guide and control the movement of the load on the conveyor belt.
Impact roller: This type of roller is used to absorb shocks caused by loading and unloading goods on the conveyor belt.
Factors affecting the price of rolls

As mentioned, the price of the roll is affected by various factors. In this section, we examine the most important of these factors:

fixed drum application
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Roller type: As mentioned earlier, the type of roller is one of the main factors affecting its price. Metal rollers are usually more expensive than plastic rollers.
Dimensions of the roller: the diameter and length of the roller affect its final price. Rollers with a larger diameter and length usually have a higher price.
Carrying capacity: Rollers are designed and manufactured to bear a specific weight. The higher the roller’s carrying capacity, the higher its price.
Bearing type: Bearing is one of the important components of the roller which affects its quality and final price. Rollers equipped with higher quality bearings are usually more expensive.
Manufacturer’s brand: Reputable and well-known brands usually offer higher quality and more expensive rollers to the market.
Understanding the key terms for choosing the right roller

In the world of rollers, we come across many terms that are necessary to understand in order to choose the right product. In the following, we explain some of these key terms:

Diameter of the roller: The diameter of the roller affects its stability and strength. Larger diameter rollers are suitable for carrying heavier loads.
Roller length: The length of the roller affects the distance between the supports in the conveyor belt. The appropriate length of the roller should be determined according to the dimensions and weight of the load.
Carrying capacity: As mentioned earlier, the carrying capacity indicates the maximum weight that the roller can bear. Choosing a roller with a suitable load capacity guarantees its safety and longevity.
Rolling speed: Rolling speed indicates the maximum speed that the rolling wheel can roll without damage. This factor is especially important in high-speed production lines.
Cap type: Roller caps prevent dust and contamination from entering the bearing. The type of cap is selected based on the working environment.

All kinds of specialized rolls

In addition to common rollers, specialized types of rollers are also designed and produced for special purposes. In the following, we will introduce some of these rolls:

Conical roller: This type of roller is used to transfer the load from one conveyor belt to another conveyor belt with a difference in height.
Spiral roller: Spiral rollers are used to transfer the load in inclined paths.
Centrifuge roller: This type of roller is used to separate and separate light and heavy loads on the conveyor belt.
Dynamic rollers: Dynamic rollers are used to control the speed and direction of the load on the conveyor belt.
Calculate the price of the roll

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The price of the roller is determined according to several factors and in a customized manner. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a general formula for calculating the price. However, an estimate of the price of the roll can be made by considering the following:

Roller material: price inquiry for raw materials such as steel or plastic
Roller dimensions: diameter and length of the desired roller
Carrying capacity: the tolerable weight you consider for the roller
The type of bearing: the quality and brand of the bearing affects the final price
Manufacturer’s brand: Reputable brand rollers are usually more expensive
Common mistakes when buying a roller

In order to make a safe and economical purchase, you need to be aware of common mistakes when buying a roller. Here are some of these mistakes:

Not paying attention to the type of user: choosing the wrong roller for a specific user can lead to premature failure and incur additional costs.
Giving priority to the price: in some cases, buying a cheap but low-quality roller will ultimately lead to spending more money on repairing or replacing the roller early.
Not paying attention to the brand: buying a roller from different and unknown brands is a high risk and may not have the necessary quality and efficiency.
Solutions to reduce the price of rolls

Although the price of the roller is affected by many factors, but by adopting some solutions, the final cost can be optimized. Here are some of these solutions:

Direct purchase from the manufacturer: direct purchase from roll manufacturers can reduce the final price.
Bulk purchase: If you need a large number of rolls, bulk purchase can benefit from volume discounts.
Replacement of defective rollers instead of repair: In some cases, it is not economical to repair defective rollers and buying a new roller is associated with long-term savings.
Periodic maintenance and service: With proper periodic maintenance and service of rollers, their life span is increased and as a result, the need for early replacement is reduced.

Drum Roller
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Should we buy a used roller?

Second-hand rollers are sometimes available in the market. Buying a second-hand roller is a high risk and is recommended only if:

Ensure the quality and authenticity of the roll.
The roller is needed for users with a lower capacity and insensitive.
The price of the second-hand roller is significantly lower than the new one.
Frequently asked questions about the price of the roll

In the final part of this article, we answer some frequently asked questions about the price of the roll:

What factors affect the price of a roll?

Material, dimensions, carrying capacity, type of bearing, manufacturer’s brand and other factors affect the price of the roller.

How to calculate the price of a roll approximately?

By considering the material, dimensions, carrying capacity and quality of the desired bearing, you can estimate the price of the roller.

Which type of roller, metal or plastic, has a lower price?

Plastic rollers are usually cheaper than metal rollers.

Is it beneficial to buy a cheap roller?

No, in some cases, buying a cheap but low-quality roller will end up spending more money on repairing or replacing the roller early.

How to make an economical purchase in terms of the price of a roll?

Direct purchase from the manufacturer, bulk purchase, replacement of defective rollers and proper maintenance can lead to a reduction in the final price.

final word

As mentioned in this article, the price of the roll is affected by various factors. By considering the type of use, quality, brand and price reduction solutions, you can experience an affordable purchase that fits your needs.

Ziggurat Industrial Group, as the largest specialized reference of roller in Iran, has produced and supplied all kinds of rollers with high quality and reasonable price, benefiting from the technical knowledge of experienced specialists and the use of high-quality raw materials. You can contact the experts of Ziggurat Industrial Group to get a free consultation and inquire about the price of the roll.

Ziggurat Industrial Group sincerely appreciates that you stayed with us until the end of this article.

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